
1  Liability for content

Articles available on the website are only intended to provide general information, not advice concerning specific situations. We endeavour to make sure that all information and data provided on the website are correct and up-to-date. However, we offer no guarantee that the information and data provided are correct, complete, up-to-date or of a high quality. Liability for the content of available information is excluded except in cases of deliberate or grossly negligent misinformation. Obligations for the removal or barring of the use of information in accordance with legal regulations remain unaffected. However, any liability in this respect only applies from when notification of the specific legal infringement is received. We will remove the relevant content as soon as we become aware of an infringement of this nature.

2  Liability for links

We are not responsible for the content of websites accessed via hyperlinks. The content of linked pages is the exclusive responsibility of their operators. We explicitly dissociate ourselves from the content of these internet pages, and therefore cannot guarantee that the content is correct, complete and accessible. We did check the external content when the link was first included to determine whether it could potentially result in civil or criminal liability. But we are not obliged to check link content on a regular basis to determine whether there have been changes that could constitute new liability.

We will only remove reference to material via a hyperlink if we determine, or are notified by others, that it contains specific content that could result in civil or cirimal liabilty, and only insofar as this is technically possible and reasonable.

3  Copyright

The content and works created by the operator on this website are subject to German copyright law. All articles contributed by third parties are identified as such. Any reproduction, adaptation, distribution or any kind of use outside the limits of copyright law requires the written consent of the author or creator of that material. Copies of these pages are permitted for private use only, not for commercial purposes.